Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pleasure Vs Happiness

Pleasure Vs Happiness
This is the time we examine what is happy and how it deferent from pleasure. At the outset we may say there is no deference between both. Dictionary meaning of Happiness is a “mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”
Whereas Pleasure describes “the broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking” To understand the real deference between the two, simplify that pleasure is something related to individual emotion, but Happiness is state of joy in of many. Clearly happiness is shared pleasure among many individual because they all feel the same excitement but pleasure is metal or physical state enjoyable mood of an individual or one group.
Why it is important to discuss is we all are normally seeking pleasure, not happiness. Because pleasure is giving happiness to individual only but happiness must give pleasure to everyone. For instance an individual drinking alcohol or smocking cigarette or using addictive substance is an obvious act of individual pleasure but his/her family is not enjoying his act of pleasure in the same mood hence never considered as act of happiness.
Pleasure is hard to share but happiness is surely reaching to others by sharing. If we scrutinise all of our acts thru this process we can easily identify what is wrong and not good to do or what are the thing we can do as it giving happiness to every fellow being.
Case is same in reckless driving of an automobile by an immature young man or official seeking bribe for a work or girl or boy trying to choose their lover without concurrence of parents or family members. All this acts must given immense pleasure and sense of achievement to individual but sadly not pleasing or worth sharing state of joy for others. A reckless driving never will make his parents happy or getting unwarranted money by illegal means doesn’t make any family members of that officer in joy when exposed even though they also had enjoy pleasure from that money. Condition is same in the act of girl who selected her life partner; we cannot believe that her parents and relative will ever enjoy her/his act with happiness.
We must come out of the mental condition of seekers of pleasure to sellers of happiness. Our every act should create a positive and enjoyable mood to others, whether it is a fellow being. Society or family members impacted by your acts. Such changes will make positive spread of pleasure to everybody by making them happy.
In the era of violent actions, hurting reactions, and reckless eliminations, we are against anything which we are believes not right. We don’t hesitate to aggressively attack, arrest and assail such situations or people without any respect to other individual rights, where we need to apply the theory of pleasure Vs Happiness before acting to avoid regrets and irrecoverable pain in later stage.
Ask simple question whether our act will give happiness to other impacted. If yes then it will be a right act. Happiness can share easily but pleasure always cannot. If you try to apply this theory in your deeds you will find the pleasure and share happy with others. Instead of mere please seeker we can be happiness dealer.