Who is poor and unprivileged in India,at the out set all think about the people from rural areas ,urban slums,exploited children, suppressed women folk and illiterates people who cannot understand their rights.But think again all are poor and unprivileged in out country in one point or in another.Wealthy people we normally considered privileged,urban middle class, or government servants all are poor and unprivileged class one some stages of life. because our systems wharf and weft is made so.
When i have stopped by a traffic police men when riding and asking of money or delay my journey,i become a poor and unprivileged,who is having no way out but oblige.The same police chap denying leave by his superior he would become an poor and unprivileged.When the superior police officer transferred out because not obliging to his political godfather he come a P&UP.This is vicious circle.reason is that we are ready to use our might and right when we are in power and expecting others also will do the same or ready to accept the same with out any protest.
Millionaire people dying in the deserted hightways without any medical help,there they are P&UP.I remember one the global business magnet died in Indian Jail without getting timely treatment,where he was pushed to the status of P&UP.
After life term service as bureaucrat people running pillar to post get his pension dues, because the clerk shows his right and might to him and he is pushing to the level of P&UP.
We need to be right person in right place instead of become a might person in right place and poor and unprivileged in all other areas.No exceptions all are come to that status with out realizing the truth.
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