Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Share the joy shred the sorrow

How many of us can remember who won the Oscar award for the best actor in this year or who was the best player in the world cup football.
Probability we couldn’t, but if ask the question about three decade back, you will answer without  any thought- that is what was the name  your best friend in primary class.
Reason- friendship is from heart and all other knowledge is stored your brain!
We all would like to have friends, but nobody know how we can get and keep a real friend
Today we will speak about friendship –the great flag ship of every human beings life.
Making someone friend is easy but keeping a friend for ever is a tough task, is there any techniques for getting nice friends.
There are few great secret for keeping friends for always and being a good friend
1. Think before Speak
Think before we speak, and be empathetic and sensitive about friends. If you are unsure what to say, think of something to say and then imagine how you would feel if your friend said that to you.
Respect other people’s opinion, religion, and customs. Even if we disagree with them but we can respect different viewpoints.
2. Listen more.
Good listeners are best friends of all, because everybody wants someone who listens then patiently and carefully. Listen without constantly thinking about how we are going to respond. We don’t want to think about our reply so much that we lose focus on what the other person is saying.
3. Touch and feel

Make your friends close to your hear by touching them. Shake hand, gestures with your hands patting in the shoulders, hugging all these actions are help to flow the current of love and care from you to your friend.
4. Share the happy
Don’t hesitate to share your happy with others, whatever it may be. Don’t waste any single moment to be happy. We cannot get rid of all our problems and them become happy, hence find out small spark of pleasure and enjoy it.
5. Shred the sorrow.
There is story of Lord Buddha that no one in the world being without a sorrow.
All human being having some sort of pain in their heart, but by sharing it with friend of compassion, and sympathy we can shred it and relieve from the pain. Just do it in friend ship.
6. Spend time with (for) friends
We need to make time to nurture the friendship if we want it to continue. A simple message at the right time, call over the mobile on the anniversary or birthday will create in depth impact to your friend and such relations will become solid like hard rocks.
7. Be honest in our actions
Years need to create a friend ship and only single moment needs to destroy it. Built the trust with your pals that is the corner stone of the relation.
8. Perfection is word you never find.
Don’t try to get a perfect friend or being perfect to others, be natural with all out our strengths and weakness

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.”  
9. Be positive in criticism
Find something positive in everybody and say things positively. Discouraging words are always hurt somebody. Say “you may look good in blue pants” instead “you will look like a buffoon in this dress”
10. Body language will speak the truth
You can easily mind your words and actions but you cannot hide your body language which will give the real state of your mind to others. Therefore know your body language, control your tone, and pitch of voice when communicating with friends. Keeping eye contact and fail posters will create pleasing mood in both.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

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