Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Learning never ends and always be there

Learning ends in the graveyard, or when stopped to learn new things it deemed we are no more. Always there is misunderstanding that learning is happening only in classrooms or training halls or under a teacher-disciple (trainer- trainee) relationship. That is a big mistake about the leaning, every moment we are offered to learn new things, we are absorbing new ideas and know something which we were not possessed never before.
Education is only formal learning supported by a certificate from esteemed institutions, but real success is lying in when you understand the world beyond your academic curriculum and books. Our prestigious institutions are creating professionals from mechanic to IAS but who create a perfect human being, whose presence is essential for the survival and service. A real learning with humanity and empathy is necessary to be a good human being.
I have lucky enough to work with tall leaders of India, very closely observed bureaucrats and corporate honchos during my job. I humbly understand one truth that people who strive to learn are people who lead a country, organization or team successfully. See this line I have noted by heart when I joined BSF and started working in difficult borders of the country.
“The height, great men reached and kept. / Where not achieved by a sudden flight/ while the others have peacefully slept /They toiling upward in all night”
It is not a mere motivational line; the toiling is the real learning in the life.
Nobody can accept a new thing when believes that he/she knows everything. We cannot fill a full vessel any more. We have to keep some empty space means have to shed some of our ego to understand new things. I remember an incident when I was in Delhi, one day I tried to operate an ATM for withdrawing the cash. After repeated attempts it was not accepting the card, when the security guard offered me help, I think what this poor chap can do more than me, as an expert in operation. But in my surprise within no time he inserted the card and it accepted. That was the greatest learning for my ego. Simple things can only teach by simple teachers, those who are always in and around to us.
I can thankfully remembered one of my colleague Mr. Shaji Pillai,who took me to an internet cafe in Bangalore suburban and teach me how to use internet.I was absolutely a computer illiterate at that time.But that great help changed the things. Every moment you can learn new lessons. Any time you can achieve new knowledge if you are open to learn, understand and patient enough to listen.
Ultimately awareness creating successful person and awareness is a perfect understanding. Hence to learn we should be accepted we need more knowledge. Simply be aware that our knowledge incomplete.
Thursday, June 16, 2011

If somebody asks you what is a language you can explain a typical dictionary meaning or research finding. But have you ever think that something is there as language, of course not only expressions and method, calligraphy and sound by which people expressing it. But this cannot easily understand until you travel out of where you have lived as community and used single language for all of you communication.
Why I have give this preamble, because we have to shed out false proud about the language first to understand the meaning and important within the real sense of language. Everybody, globally believing that mother tongue is the great . Obviously because of it is very easy to use and understand without any jargons and difficulty.
But language has no importance if you prepared to understand other people and their life. I surprised to see the Arab, Mr. Nazer Balushi speaking Malayalam without any difficulty in a gulf country. That is really great! We are learning the language not because of we are philanthropic and language researchers, but because of our survival. All are comfortable when living in their own territory and blindly believe that the language which majority speaking is great and superior to others. And always ready to fight, flog and float.
I believe that language superiority is depending how strong and effective it provide livelihood to a persons. Such cases the languages which we believing sacred and powerful is mere brouhaha only.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
One Sreenivasan of south aryad......

I remembering Srinivasan who ask me to join Evershine arts and sports club.He was a nice persons having good leadership qualities.He knew the pulse and pain of people he doing with.With surprise I had seen his behavior to common people in our village.He take initiative to start running and athletics practice among us,the youth.In the wee hours we started running all along the road,of course he was with us to motivate.
He was the president of our club,I don't know what was his educational background, but he proved his leadership qualities everywhere.He always speak with sense of humor and lot of positive energy.He have had politics, and was member of Aryad panchayat.But he was showed his humanity above all.He had lot of new ideas,good relations and enthusiasm to do the things.Once we had filled all path holes of a road when he requested us to do some thing useful to society.
We must remember the people who influence us in some stages of the life.They are the real people without any corporate three piece suit and hotel ball room seminars but of course make impact on us.That impacts create persons from his core values.
If we value life, we should remember people like Srinivasan, whose name neither written any where in golden alphabets nore picture stamped as role model.But I am sure that impact he created lead many people far ahead in their life.Death,the leveler cut short his journey, he left all of us untimely in the young age itself.Really a painful departure.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Man of policies and content- My father
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I remember my father,who wore only Khadi dress in his life time.He was neither a public figure nor leader.However he believe and adhere in his policies.
He was man of his policies,which he never had breached or allowed to be breached.He was seldom tolerated us to lie for any purpose.He always discouraged us for using any kind of bad words which hurt to anybody.He never had any demand for his personal needs.With his limited requirement I think he life was contended.His desire about children's feature also was very minimal,and not demanding.One noticeable behavior of his was,instead of advising us to sit and learn our school book ,He said that education is only way out of us to reach the prosperous goal,it is up to us to decide learn or not.
He succeed to be a role model to us by walk what he speak.However not dictate our ambitions and requirement of time.He was born and brought up in period which hunger was the common challenge in the Nair families,of working class. Since he remind the important of food, avoid wasting it and sharing with needy.he believe if we have enough to keep the hunger away,that was a contended life for him.
He was a good reader advice me to read Nehru's Glimpses of world history,and even brought it from a near by library.
I remember my father,who wore only Khadi dress in his life time.He was neither a public figure nor leader.However he believe and adhere in his policies.
He was man of his policies,which he never had breached or allowed to be breached.He was seldom tolerated us to lie for any purpose.He always discouraged us for using any kind of bad words which hurt to anybody.He never had any demand for his personal needs.With his limited requirement I think he life was contended.His desire about children's feature also was very minimal,and not demanding.One noticeable behavior of his was,instead of advising us to sit and learn our school book ,He said that education is only way out of us to reach the prosperous goal,it is up to us to decide learn or not.
He succeed to be a role model to us by walk what he speak.However not dictate our ambitions and requirement of time.He was born and brought up in period which hunger was the common challenge in the Nair families,of working class. Since he remind the important of food, avoid wasting it and sharing with needy.he believe if we have enough to keep the hunger away,that was a contended life for him.
He was a good reader advice me to read Nehru's Glimpses of world history,and even brought it from a near by library.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The poor and unprevilaged
Who is poor and unprivileged in India,at the out set all think about the people from rural areas ,urban slums,exploited children, suppressed women folk and illiterates people who cannot understand their rights.But think again all are poor and unprivileged in out country in one point or in another.Wealthy people we normally considered privileged,urban middle class, or government servants all are poor and unprivileged class one some stages of life. because our systems wharf and weft is made so.
When i have stopped by a traffic police men when riding and asking of money or delay my journey,i become a poor and unprivileged,who is having no way out but oblige.The same police chap denying leave by his superior he would become an poor and unprivileged.When the superior police officer transferred out because not obliging to his political godfather he come a P&UP.This is vicious circle.reason is that we are ready to use our might and right when we are in power and expecting others also will do the same or ready to accept the same with out any protest.
Millionaire people dying in the deserted hightways without any medical help,there they are P&UP.I remember one the global business magnet died in Indian Jail without getting timely treatment,where he was pushed to the status of P&UP.
After life term service as bureaucrat people running pillar to post get his pension dues, because the clerk shows his right and might to him and he is pushing to the level of P&UP.
We need to be right person in right place instead of become a might person in right place and poor and unprivileged in all other areas.No exceptions all are come to that status with out realizing the truth.
When i have stopped by a traffic police men when riding and asking of money or delay my journey,i become a poor and unprivileged,who is having no way out but oblige.The same police chap denying leave by his superior he would become an poor and unprivileged.When the superior police officer transferred out because not obliging to his political godfather he come a P&UP.This is vicious circle.reason is that we are ready to use our might and right when we are in power and expecting others also will do the same or ready to accept the same with out any protest.
Millionaire people dying in the deserted hightways without any medical help,there they are P&UP.I remember one the global business magnet died in Indian Jail without getting timely treatment,where he was pushed to the status of P&UP.
After life term service as bureaucrat people running pillar to post get his pension dues, because the clerk shows his right and might to him and he is pushing to the level of P&UP.
We need to be right person in right place instead of become a might person in right place and poor and unprivileged in all other areas.No exceptions all are come to that status with out realizing the truth.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Present tense ! Future perfect!
Planning for future is good, when this thought will become an obsession and efforts to ensure success in every point will make one’s life a plight. The generation, thinkers ridiculously called them pancake people showing very symptoms of the obsessive success syndrome. And carrying nonstop worry about the future. And finally over stress breaking their life or they are too much anxious about the future life or tomorrow and never enjoying the preset life like “live every moment”.
Future is a post dated cheque en cashing it for the full value depends upon many things at a future point of time. But current life is like carrying the cash. You can easily spend and have the value and result instantly. Though new generations always seeking immediate result and impatient to wait for it, we never will understand that when we are missing golden moments of present life and only looking ahead of a perfect and secure future, ultimately we are losing the nectar life. And try to grab some green pastures in the other side, which never exists.
If your preset life is content, the future should be pleasant and perfect. And if you unknowingly inviting the stress in the day to day life because of the concern about the days ahead, which is only distant dream ,obvious that you are trying to be perfect in dream, not in reality .
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