Wednesday, May 30, 2012

See flowers in the night

Life is not a long journey with pains and problems, it is short and quick one with pleasure and positive energy. Every sun rise may considered as gift of 24 hours in our life to do
Fullest things with enthusiasm and energy. At the end of the day we have to ask the question-Did I use the day in at most effectively, did I help needy persons or did I justify the 24 hours deducted from my life.
            When days are passing we are rich with adding experience and awareness of life but we are become poor by deducting the valuable time and opportunities we depreciated from our life. Hence every second counts.
            Live a contended life ,which will give inspiration and guidance  to others, you may not be public figure to see in media and limelight, but please remember you are also the role model of many, your kids, your subordinates, some of your friends. If you are doing an act which will contrast your image it will break the expectation of many. And people looking to you for guidance will be deeply disappointed.
            Life is short by time, but it creating a deep impression by your approach and behavior to others. Never try to be quick millionaire, the millions come quickly will vanish quickly too. Use your capabilities to build your own life in your special way.
 If you believe that money will bring all the happiness, ask that the young man who lost his life in Delhi Jail, because he alleged to done some fraud and arrested and subsequently lost his life because he missed his daily medicine.
Nothing in this universe can bring happiness for you except you; if your mind sees happiness you will be happy in everywhere. Don’t carry forward your pains and problems; leave it then and there, because if you are carrying the burden, you will not get the fragrance and beauty of the thing you are seeing in the next step.
Live every day, every hour, and every moment. Instead of saying I have lived a life with plenty of problems, accept that I am living a life with happiness and challenges. Try to celebrate the life - reasons will automatically come.
When we see life is full of enthusiasm and happy, who bothered about the bad and sad moments which is inevitable like a night for day. But when light of the day vanish we must see the starts in the sky that is also as beautiful as the flowers of the day.

Health is wealth

I would like to tell you a story; it is story of a wealthy man in his forties, who earned everything he required in his life, money, materials, fame. But he was spending his almost the time in hospital and consult doctor after doctors. He eats more medicine than his food and because of ill health. He retreated from everything he like, his daily golf, his weekend hunting, his club visits his favorite foods. But at the same his father in law, who is in his eighties, playing daily tennis, visiting all the business locations and even going for vacations in US in energetic way like a young guy.
Why this ill fate to young man and good fortune to old man- What was wrong? Nothing, but the approach to life. The old man accepted life as god given and take enough care about it. He never misses his daily morning tennis play, evening walking in the park, and weekend visit to pilgrim stations.
When we are physically active in the life, it will keep your body and mind fit to take any task and troubles. How physical exercises beneficial for us? Simple anatomy in out body is that all part of our human body is running on oxygen. The more oxygen we are get the healthier and fit we are.
But how we will get better oxygen, when our muscles are working it required lot of oxygen to get the required level of energy. If you are doing any kind of physical activity it will happen only through the muscles – means you must do physical activities or exercises to keep you fit and fiddle.
Physical exercise can be divided in to two, Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise .Any activity like running, cycling, football etc which will create cardiovascular impact is called aerobic and activities creating muscle power is known anaerobic. Weight lifting, power lifting etc are the examples. Other important exercise is stretching –which can improve the motions muscle and joints.
Any kind of physical activity will definitely benefit for you from many angles.
1.     It will burn  extra calories and fat from your body
2.     It will keep your body fit with flexibility, mobility and strength.
3.     It will help you to keep you heart in good health; if your heart is healthy you are healthy.
4.     Exercise will   boost your immune and keep deceases away by reducing cortisol production.
5.     Physical activity will improve your brain function by more blood and oxygen supply to brain.
6.     Exercise will reduce the chance of depression and sleeplessness
After hearing the entire good thing, you also will feel that to do some exercise from tomorrow; really it is happy thought and further we will think how we can materialize this good and enthusiastic wish.
            Try to adopt some simple techniques if you are really enthusiastic to do the exercise.
·        Start right now- yes don’t wonder how, when you are going back from the meeting use the stairs instead of lift.
·        Start with simple exercise-if you are overweight you cannot start 5 Km running tomorrow- you have start with one Km walking  and will gradually increase to 2,3,4,5 and after six months of 5 km walking you may able to run one or two KM. if you opt big targets you will be disappointed and  withdraw from the attempt itself
·        Try to get a companion- your companion will help you to overcome the laziness to start the exercise every day.
·        Believe strongly that it is beneficial by measuring every minor thing your weight, hip size or even your ability to walk upstairs without any breath problem.
·        Avoid exercise if you are ill or not completely fit. Such act will make your subconscious mind wrong message of pain and fatigue.
·        And enjoy your exercise.
As we know that the oxygen is our life, you all agree with me that health is the real wealth we have. If you earn everything you dreamed and in final stage if you don’t have any health to enjoy it – it is not only painful life but also equal to not achieving any thing in life.
            Why we have to take enough care to our health- because if your health is directly related to your dependent members life. A weak and ill body cannot   carry an enthusiastic and energetic mind in it. And vise a versa.
            If one hour of physical exercise can avoid a month long hospitalization – it is better and wise to opt for the first choice.
            If individual is healthy the society and families are healthy. If society is healthy the country is healthy. Healthy countries only will move ahead to property and progress.