Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mobile behind the wheels

If you forget to take one thing with you while driving to office and get panic .What is that - nothing but your mobile phone. If you are not carrying this gadget in your pocket your will feel completely back out from the rest of the world. Hence always being alert on its every ring and grabbing it.
In the recent past there was a report flashed in the front page of the news papers in Muscat  and when I have shared the same with some of my friends , I have got panic calls from many - asking  about the news . You know what was the news about-USING MOBILE PHONE WILL ATTRACT 10 DAYS IMPRISONMENT. But in fact the news was not correct; it was a traffic safety week initiative only.
            The small and convenient gadget is keeping we all live with the rest of the world anywhere at any time. The wonderful invention of Motorola now changed the way of communication. But I am concern about the use of a mobile phone while on driving which is usual practice we have observed after a strict traffic rule existing against it. Can we take the grave risk of using mobile phone while driving and met with fatal accident which may lead to permanent disability or death of not only the driver but the helpless passengers also.
      In September 2010, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a report on distracted driving fatalities for 2009. The NHTSA considers distracted driving to include some of the following as distractions: other occupants in the car, eating, drinking, smoking, adjusting radio, reaching for object in car, and cell phone use. In 2009 in the U.S. there was a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers. Of those 40% were considered to be killed by drivers distracted by cell phones

What we can do for avoiding the mobile phone use while driving? It is easy to say than done. There is simple ABCD I can suggest for escaping from the use of mobile phone while driving and subsequent consequences
A.For AVOID: while you are driving take a firm decision  not to attend any calls, because within few minutes or hours you will reach your destination and you can speak to the caller. And strictly avoid texting when behind wheels.
B. If you cannot resist the ring of a mobile phone B- stands for BY PASS. Select the alternative ways having less risk either a call can be attend by a co- passenger and take the message for you or use hands free, or speaker phone connected through blue tooth.
C.For CALL FORWARD - simply forward to somebody who can help you by taking the unavoidable calls while you are on driving.
D.    DO NOT DRIVE – Use a driver if you are getting frequent calls and cannot avoid a single call, but if you cannot afford a driver, D is there to Do not drive while speaking over mobile- means you have stop the car and finish your conversation.
This ABCD for your safe driving, therefore   alphabets for the life not only of you but of your dependant loved once who is expecting your safe return to home. Due the pressure from our work and social life we cannot avoid a mobile phone. If you losing your mobile phone it is like you are lost your memory. You cannot contact your dear and near and it not a simple gadget to voice communication- it is our laptop, diary, calendar, camera, album, and I cannot complete the list.
But you cannot bet your life for an SMS or phone call, when you are driving a high speed the 2 second’s attention diversion will decide life and death.
So the decision is yours, take strong decision to be responsible driver on the road rather than mobile phone maniac behind the wheels.